"How Was Your Summer?"

“How was your summer?” asked a friend – and then he gave me room to answer. A good friend.

I told him about a wonderful family wedding in northern California, some deepening in my writing, a new product coming out this fall, and finding my voice in preaching.

“I’m really tired,” I told him. Not sleeping well, mostly from excitement, not stress. Working hard on understanding and on managing my time and efforts.

Plus the cumulative impact of the most distressing political summer I have seen, strange weather, and most recently a hurricane bearing down on New York City.

It feels like good fatigue, not grinding. It feels like a stripping away of some protective covering.

In preparing my introduction for presentations at an upcoming clergy conference, I felt a new clarity about the journey mainline Christianity has been on in America.

How many of you are feeling tired?


This sharing of questions and answers is a regular part of this blog. My cupboard of unanswered questions is getting bare. Use the Comment link below to send me your questions.

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