By Tom Ehrich


I am about to undertake what is called a “fork.”

One direction will be a continuation of the writing I have been doing for many years. Daily On a Journey meditations, a Weekly Essay, the Church Wellness Report, and regular blogposts on faith, ethics and politics. Plus Fresh Day online magazine.

The new direction will be a focus on aging. Now that I have turned 70, it seems time to write about aging and to offer resources that will help you in your aging and/or in your role as a caregiver or pastor.

I have created two new web sites: is a personal site that will provide access to all that I am writing and a blog on what I am learning about aging. is a site offering resources, links, useful writings, poems, videos and other tools that pertain to aging. I will publish a weekly newsletter containing those resources.

Both sites are launched, but with little material on them yet.

I would like to start sending blog and newsletter to all of my readers, to give you a glimpse of what I am doing. Eventually, I will invite you to join targeted mailing lists. For now, just enjoy and send me your feedback. (Send to

May I take this opportunity to tell you how much I appreciate your interest in my writing? I spend much of my workday in writing – a never-ending struggle to marshal my thoughts, find words to express them, and get them out to interested readers. Knowing that you are out there and reading my pieces makes a huge difference.

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